
Benefits of Breastfeeding, Recommended Age limit to be breastfed

About Breastfeeding: Breast milk aims to meet several nutritional needs of an infant. When a baby is born, he/she is in the process of developing an immune system to fight against diseases. And mother’s early milk comprises of antibodies or proteins that help baby fight against infections. Continuous breast feeding will mature the immune system and this colostrum gets mature milk when a baby turns 3 to 5 days old. Besides this, the protein present in the breast milk is easy to digest for babies as compared to any other milk source.

Recommended Age limit to be breastfed

As per the doctors, Pediatricians, Gynecologists, and Nurse-Midwives, the infants should be breastfed for at least initial six months of their lives. If possible, then babies should get breast feed an year at least. However, after six months, baby should also be given food and other liquids as well.

Health Benefits of Breast Milk:

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You will be surprised to know that in the first year of life, a very less number of breastfed babies are hospitalized as compared to formula fed babies. Moreover, babies dependent on only breast milk can gain several health benefits in the long run even if they receive some formula too. Breastfed babies develop a strong immune system and cope up with the following medical conditions easily:

  • Asthma
  • Eczema
  • Ear infection
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Food allergies
  • Pneumonia
  • Common cold
  • Celiac disease
  • Diabetes (types 1 and 2)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns)
  • Sudden unexplained infant death syndrome (SUIDS or SIDS)

Breast Milk is a Boon for Premature Babies

A premature birth of a child happens under several circumstances. In such a scenario, breast milk works like a boon in their life. Premature babies who receive breast milk have lesser risks of coming across life-threatening gut infection named necrotizing enterocolitis. In addition to this, premature babies if breastfed regularly have lower risk of a disease called sepsis (a bloodstream infection) in comparison to formula-fed premature babies. By feeding on breast milk premature babies improves their hearing and vision problems quickly.

Pros of breastfeeding for Mothers

It is a strong recommendation from OB/GYN physicians and pediatricians to provide breast milk to infant. Furthermore Pediatrics, Obstetricians and Gynecologists delineated the benefits of breast feeding for mothers below:

  • Physical Benefits: Oxytocin hormone has its own benefits like it helps to contract the uterus and bring it back to the regular size quickly. Regular breastfeeding may help in reducing the post-partum weight. A woman may get long term benefits of breastfeeding like those who breastfeed their children have lower rates of breast and ovarian cancer. Some studies have also revealed that women who breastfed have lower rates of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart diseases.
  • Emotional Benefits: When mother is breastfeeding her child, a strong bond develops between mother and infant. During the time of breastfeeding, hormones such as prolactin and oxytocin releases in the mother’s body which help to promote peace and attachment for mother and baby. The breastfeeding connects mother to the child in a powerful and unique way.
  • Other Benefits: Breastfeeding is a money-saving option as well. Although, it requires a more time investment from the mother but cost-saving option depends on several factors. It is easy both for mother and child while travelling as there is hardly any need to take care of bottles and buy formula.

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Situations where breastfeeding is not recommended:

Though breastfeeding is suggested in all situations still in a few medical situations breastfeeding is not recommended. Here is the list:

  • Infant has galactosemia (a genetic metabolic disorder)
  • HIV infection or human T-cell lymphotropic virus infection
  • When you are receiving chemotherapy or radiation
  • Untreated tuberculosis
  • You have chicken pox (active varicella) or a herpes simplex virus lesion on breast. In such a situation, breastfeed can be done with the other breast (if it is clear of lesions). Also, you can continue breastfeed if lesions are somewhere else on the body
  • You are using drugs or illicit drugs

At the same time, you may worry about the following reasons; you are safe for breastfeeding in the following circumstances:

  • Hepatitis B/C
  • Fever/mild illness
  • You are a carrier of cytomegalovirus (CMV). If the baby’s weight is less than 1500 grams at the time of birth, then discuss with your doctor about the risk of CMV transmission.
  • Even if you are under medication, it is OK to breastfeed but it is worth to ask your pediatrician or OB/GYN as far as safety of your child is concerned.
  • The tobacco use has nothing to do with breastfeed but all nursing mothers are suggested to avoid smoking in their house/car. If possible quit smoking to decrease the effects of smoke on your child.
  • You should not breastfeed while intoxicated.

About Author

Priya Sharma has completed her Graduation in English from Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi. She has completed a Master's in English from IGNOU. She holds the degree of Bachelor in Education from Kurukshetra University. She taught at Bhatnagar International Foundation School, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. She writes about admission in schools, their admission process, application procedure, facilities, contact details to initiate help parents choose the right school for their kids. She also writes about articles on children, their well-being, problems they face, etc. is the right destination for collecting appropriate knowledge about schools, colleges, courses and all kinds of problems children deal with.

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